Kindschi Söhne AG

Kindschi S?hne AG

Destillerie Kindschi


Founded in 1860, the Bünder distillery Kindschi is nowadays leaded by the fifth generation. The famous Bündner specialities are produced in a traditional way.


B?ndner R?teli Lik?r


Kindschi became quite famous through the "Bündner Röteli Likör". This local specialty is made from sun- dried cherries and spices according to an old recipe with 22 % vol.

Available in bottles of 100 cl

Gift bottles 20 cl

B?ndner Haselnuss Rahmlik?r


The "Bündner Haselnuss Rahmlikör" won the international spirit competition "Grosses Gold" 2011 in Berlin. In September -2013, it was awarded the "Best of Switzerland liqueur" , and "Pris Davidoff". You can also enjoy this product as a cold shot, in a café or for insider in the hot chocolate.

Available in bottles of 100 cl

Gift bottles 20 cl

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